Role specific training for PR consultants and communication managers
Training for professional communicators: Certified Sustainability Communications Expert
The transformation of our society and economy towards sustainability also brings with it major challenges and new tasks for public relations businesses. PR agencies, communications consultants and the communications departments of companies and institutions have many opportunities, but also a special responsibility to help shape this transformation process and positively influence public opinion and behaviour.
Where and when?
Dublin: 12 to 14 February 2025
Duration? 3 modules in 3 days
Who? Trainer team, trained by us
Cost: € 1,890 plus 20% VAT, Discounted Rate: € 1,690 plus 20% VAT (for members of PRVA, GPRA, and LSA)
Vienna: 14 to 16 May 2025
Duration? 3 modules in 3 days
Who? Trainer team, trained by us
Cost: € 1,890 plus 20% VAT, Discounted Rate: € 1,690 plus 20% VAT (for members of PRVA, GPRA, and LSA)
When you complete the course, you will have:
Know-how in climate protection:
- We share the knowledge necessary for the climate transition. Our approach is always science-based and factional.
- Knowledge is the only commodity that increases when it is shared. Based on this premise, we are happy to pass on our many years of broad expertise in order to generate impact.
Expertise for implementation:
- We focus on people working in the communications sector.
- The training programme provides you with the insights, methods and tools you need to design your sustainable communication without greenwashing.
Practical experience:
- We work in small groups in order to ensure maximum benefit and participation.
- In dialogue with experts from companies, the professional bodies and agencies, you will learn from specific case studies and current challenges and receive concrete tips for your everyday work.
Training content
Science- fact-based know-how transfer
Define opportunities and risks for companies, targets and measures
Definition, consequences and examples of Greenwashing – and how to avoid it
PR charter as a guide for sustainability and climate protection communication
Training for experts in the field of communication
3 days of concentrated knowledge, pragmatic and fact-based, on the topic of sustainability for eexperienced PR consultants and communication managers with at least four years of professional experience.
Basic sustainability know-how
Building knowledge on the topic of sustainability and climate protection is the central theme of day one. A comprehensive picture of the current climate crisis is presented and key terms explained. In addition, participants are given an overview of the relevant current regulatory framework. Based on this, opportunities and risks for companies will be explored.
Solutions and implementation
The target pathways for organisations, and the steps required to achieve them, will be covered in detail during day two. Specific measures and fields of action will be developed so that companies can become climate-neutral. In addition to implementation, the contraversial topic of greenwashing will be addressed: including definitions, legal framework and examples.
Implementation in practice
The role of PR and communication professionals in the climate crisis will be the focus of day three, with industry experts discussing the PR charta for sustainability. Experts from corporate practice will provide insights into their work and how they master the challenges of sustainable communication. Participants will analyse their own role and how they can shape it in the future.
Z Certification at the end
In the afternoon of the 3rd day there is a written exam (multiple choice, online). Participants who pass the exam receive a certificate as a ‘Certified Sustainability Communications Expert’.
What makes the course special?
Trainer teams with many years of experience who bring all their knowledge, diverse backgrounds and different perspectives
Small groups of max. 10 people to be able to work on individual situations and questions in detail, very interactive setting
Expert input and exchange on individual everyday situations, practical cases can be discussed in the group
Next planned course starts
Expand your knowledge of sustainability and climate protection and become part of the solution. Together we can make a lasting difference and drive forward serious and honest sustainability communication.
Dieser Lehrgang entstand in Kooperation mit:
”As a consultant to and in a wide variety of organisations since 2005, I would like to scale up the transfer of expertise quickly and efficiently in order to sustainably expand companies' expertise on the topic of climate neutrality. This training provides consultants with the right basic framework to support companies on their path to climate neutrality.
Marion ZöchbauerCo-Founder Klimaschutzakademie
”From emissions trading, to the WWF, to the EU's Climate-KIC agency: As a climate protection expert of many years' standing, I am keen to make the knowledge I have acquired in a wide variety of areas since 2008 available to all those who want to make a contribution to achieving climate targets. According to the motto: We can never have enough people who are committed to climate neutrality.
Johannes Naimer-StachCo-Founder Klimaschutzakademie
Do you need long-term support, professional input?
Or would you like to discuss specific issues? Contact us today for a no-obligation initial consultation.
ORCA Evolution OG
Spittelauer Lände 45
1090 Vienna
T: +43 680 1748332